RPAS Flight Review
RPAS Flight Review
A flight review is the final step in getting your advanced license. Once you have passed the online small advanced RPAS exam, then you must complete an in-person flight review with an examiner associated with a ground school. A flight review is a practical examination of your ability to perform a satisfactory site survey, remember emergency procedures and fly your RPAS.
What to expect
When taking a flight review with the WWFC you will be given a one hour time slot at our field. We will schedule a date, time and location to conduct the review. When the review is initially scheduled, we will also send you our Flight Review – Study Guide. This guide outlines all the things you might be asked about during the examination. This way every candidate knows exactly what is required of them several days in advance.
We have several flight reviewers in Ontario and a field in Waterloo. We also have an indoor location* in Waterloo for winter testing and as a back up location in case of rain.
*Added cost of $60 to rent indoor location for a flight review.
For more information, see Transport Canada’s Appendix A: Guide to the Flight Review.
Cost: $225 + HST
Cancellation Policy: We require 14 days cancellation notice prior to your scheduled time. A transfer to another date is permitted. Otherwise, no refund will be issued.
Please contact bpesowsky@wwfc.ca if you have any questions.